All members are invited to nominate members to the SAICE WC Branch Committee for 2012. All grades of membership are eligible for election. The WC Branch Committee comprises of the Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson, Honorary Secretary, Honorary Treasurer and sixteen additional committee members to fill various portfolios needed to keep the WC Branch active.

Nominations can be made by completing a Nomination Form and returning to:

SAICE Western Cape Branch Secretary
Heath Webb
c/o Aurecon
P.O. Box 494, Cape Town, 8000, South Africa
Fax: +27 (0)86 723 1862

Nominations must arrive no later than 02 November 2011. The Annual General Meeting will take place on 16 November 2011 at the Athenaeum, Newlands, where the 2012 Branch Committee will be elected.

Students interested in getting involved in a SAICE Student Chapter Committee should inquire with the Student Chapter Chairperson at their respective Academic Institutions or via the Contact Page